If Sketch Engine is not working or you cannot log in, most likely it is an internet problem. Before contacting support, please try to follow these steps:
- Try Hard reload (force refresh) in your browser. See this page on how to do it or use the Help of your browser.
- Open Sketch Engine in a different browser (Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari) or on your mobile/tablet. (Internet Explorer and Edge are not supported browsers.)
- Update your browser to the most recent version (see this page or visit your browser Help menu).
- Try using Sketch Engine in a privacy/incognito mode of your browser.
If this does not help, use the Request help or support icon
at the extreme top-right corner of the Sketch Engine screen and describe your issue. Your name, user name, email, the selected corpus, search criteria and view options you used will be added to the email automatically. No need to add a screenshot.