How to make a wordlist of words with a specific tag only?

It is possible to make a wordlist of specified tags only. The process would be as follows: 

  •  Go to advanced tab of the wordlist feature,
  •  choose to find 'tags' matching regex and fill in the regular expression which will cover all possible tags which you would like to see in the wordlist, 
  • change the result format to 'display as' and choose attribute you wish to display (probably either lemma or word). 

  • This way, Sketch Engine will find all words tagged as the regular expression you created, but the result list will be displayed as another attribute. Please, be aware that using the option 'display as' takes way longer than simple list and some statistics (document frequency, ARF, ...) aren't available in the results. Therefore, it should be used only when it is necessary. 

    I am including a screenshot of the settings, that will search for any adjective (using the TreeTagger tagset and display the results as lemmas. 
    Attached Files